Download Rediscover Jesus, by Matthew Kelly
Rediscover Jesus, by Matthew Kelly
Download Rediscover Jesus, by Matthew Kelly
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About the Author
Matthew Kelly is the New York Times bestselling author of The Rhythm of Life and twenty other books that have been published in more than twenty-five languages and have sold more than 15 million copies.
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Product details
Hardcover: 183 pages
Publisher: Blue Sparrow (July 1, 2015)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1942611196
ISBN-13: 978-1942611196
Product Dimensions:
5.7 x 1 x 8.3 inches
Shipping Weight: 13.6 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.8 out of 5 stars
444 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#136,343 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
Rediscover Jesus is an approximately 200 page hardcover with a purple dust jacket and deckle-edged pages. I'm not sure what it is about deckle-edged pages, but they seem to be heavily favored by publishers lately. The book itself is 40 chapters long, with no chapter spanning more than five pages. The choice of 40 chapters seems deliberate by the author as 40 is a very important Biblical number, i.e., the Flood, the Israelites wandering in the desert, and Jesus' time in the desert. With the purple dust jacket and 40 chapters, I wonder if Matthew Kelly intended this book to be a daily Lenten read. If he didn't, I would highly recommend doing so! At the end of every chapter are four things to help the chapter crystallize in your brain - 1. Point to Ponder, 2. Verse to Live, 3. Question to Consider, 4. Prayer. I would recommend writing each verse down on a notecard and trying to memorize them, but that may just be the former Protestant in me.The book is short, but powerful. Each chapter, which can be read in ten minutes or less, provides a jolt to start your day and also make you a good way. Kelly points out how little we actually know about Jesus, going so far as to say, "The thing that unsettles me is that sometimes I think I know people on the periphery of my life better than I know Jesus." This was a slap in the face, and it was one that I desperately needed to read. Chapter 40 "The Hour of Power" addressed two things I struggle with - silence and adoration. There's something about sitting there alone with God in silence that is intimidating to me. I have a hard time keeping my mind from wandering; keeping my mouth shut and letting God talk; and just sitting still in the awesome presence of God. This is definitely something for me to work on, but I believe I will have to incrementally build up to an hour, because I am weak.This level of conciseness that Matthew Kelly achieves in this book makes this book very approachable. He didn't use flowery language or overly complicated language. He just laid it out for you plain and simple. I have a habit of saying that some books are a challenging read, but this book was instead a read that challenged you. As Catholics, we don't really think about a personal relationship with Jesus like our Protestant brethren do, but we need to! This book shows us not only that we need that personal relationship, but helps us to achieve it as well. I read through this book quickly, because the book lent itself to that style of reading. However, I have placed this book on my shelf to read again during Lent. Then, I will take my time and read through each chapter a day to let the message fully sink in and take hold. I strongly recommend this book to all Catholics.
Two months ago I had not heard of Matthew Kelly so I was surprised at a Mass when Rediscovery Jesus was given to every parishioner's family. I started reading the book and after a few chapters, my 25 year old granddaughter who has not been in a church picked up my book and started reading. I immediately went on Amazon and was glad to see I could receive this book electronically (for $ change) to my kindle. Thus I gave my granddaughter my book and started reading this great book on my kindle. Of course, I turned a few eyes at church (pre Mass) by opening my kindle and started reading Rediscovery Jesus. Since then my granddaughter has not only made her confession but was able to receive Communion after ten years absent. I also enjoy the daily video from Mr. Kelly and other Dynamic Catholic organization and am having the Best Lent Ever.
Broken up into 40 short chapters -- most of them are 2 pages -- this is the perfect book to use as a guide through Lent. It gives you something to think about and/or work on every day. Very practical. Not preachy. Can be read and reread. I have used it 2 years in a row for Lent and have convinced many family members to do the same.
Terrific book for any Christian, although the book is written from a Catholic view. Reminds me of the many ways I tend to forgot to bring my Catholic faith from the church service into society & the rest of my life. I highly recommend this book & this author to anyone who desires a closer relationship w/ Jesus & who desires to have Jesus more active in their own life.
This is a great book with an incredible amount of insight. I purchased the kindle version with audio, so I spent my experience with the book listening to it as I worked. There are lots of anecdotal examples and analogies offered to really help in driving each point home.
One of the best books I read this year, in fact I'm reading it for the third time and have recommended it to many of my family members and friends. It truly was and is a blessing of knowledge for the soul!
Although written by a Catholic, any Christian will be inspired to get acquainted or reacquainted with Jesus after reading this book. It is thought provoking. Many Christians who believed they were doing everything right will be surprised to discover they have put up many earthly barriers between themselves and Jesus Christ. It is an honest,straightforward book. Read it and do the homework. You will be rewarded in ways you never imagined.
I gave it to my priest and he loved it. He had heard about Matthew Kelly and how popular his seminars are. Our Priest knows all about the Gospels of course, but I thought he could pass this on or suggest a group from out church read it. We loved it.
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